But what I really want to write about is the fact that this place desperately needs a good manager. Or as I suspect may be the case, just a manager. But seriously, you cannot open a restaurant and have no manager, or someone who knows nothing about managing a restaurant, and then expect that everything will run smoothly. It won't. And yes, Mr. or Ms. Manager - it is your job to monitor the staff working there, and to teach them if they don't know what they're doing. The restaurant is not going to run itself. Well, except maybe into the ground. The fact is, someone needs to be there - yes, all the time - to monitor what is going on and keep things well-oiled.
On the plus side: the pizza was pretty good - I ordered the Neapolitan - and the waiter, if a little on the casual side, both in appearance and manner, was darn cute, and very friendly.
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